
Open data

We provide different sets of meta-data concerning the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HDS).

Article lists

The lists of HDS articles are given for different categories and languages:

BiographiesCSV FileCSV FileCSV File
FamiliesCSV FileCSV FileCSV File
GeographyCSV FileCSV FileCSV File
ThemesCSV FileCSV FileCSV File
(upload date: 19/09/2016)

License: CC-0

Format: UTF-8 CSV.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID
- Lemma, Complement, Precision: parts of the article titles
- Volume: publication volume
- URL: URL on the eDHS.

Authority Files

We provide two files linking HDS ID with GND and VIAF:

GND Beacon file (20096 entries - upload date: 25/03/2018)
VIAF Beacon file (20566 entries - upload date: 25/03/2018)

License: CC-0

Format: BEACON

Geocoding information

We provide geographic coordinates for more than 5000 HLS articles. The coordinates were retrieved in a semi-automatic approach and may still contain errors (work in progress):

Coordinates as CSV file (5173 entries - upload date: 19/09/2016)

License: CC-0

Format: UTF-8 CSV.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID
- Longitude (WGS84): longitude in WGS84 format
- Latitude (WGS84): latitude in WGS84 format
- Categories: HDS internal categories (countries, cantons, towns, rivers, etc)
- Designation D: german title
- Designation F: french title
- Designation I: italien title
- URL D, URL F, URL I: german, french and italian URL.

Bibliographic information

We provide the bibliographic data included in all the articles of the german version of the HDS:

Bibliographic notices as XML file (95100 notices - upload date: 19/09/2016)

License: CC-0

Format: XML.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID
- CAT: HDS categories (BIO, FAM, GEO, TEM)
- TYPE: HDS bibliographic types (ARCH (archives), BIB (biblio), ILL (illustration), OP (opus), SOU (sources)
- ENTRY - german title of HDS article
- AUT: author
- PUB: publication
- CONTRIB: contribution
- COMPL: complement

Cross-references information

We provide information about the direct and textual cross-references of all the articles of the HDS.
Direct references are used when a title directly references another article. Example : "SBB" directly refers to "Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB)".
In text references are cross-references used inside the articles.

Direct referencesXML FileXML FileXML File
In text referencesXML FileXML FileXML File
(upload date: 19/09/2016)

License: CC-0

Format: XML.
Fields are:
- SRC_ID: internal HDS ID of the source article
- SRC_ENTRY: title of the source article
- DST_ID: internal HDS ID of the destination article
- DST_ENTRY: title of the destination article

Authors information

We provide information about the authors of all the articles of the HDS:

AuthorsXML FileXML FileXML File
(upload date: 19/09/2016)

License: CC-0

Format: XML.
Fields are:
- ID: internal HDS ID of the article
- ENTRY: title of the article
- NAME: name of the author